Powerpoint free icon
Powerpoint free icon

Why the fascination with icons? Because an icon takes a concept, sometimes an extremely abstract or complex concept – planet earth cloud computing – and distills it down to a single colour shape. How to use icons in your PowerPoint presentation Great looking icons are, well, iconic but you still need to be smart about when and where you use them in your presentation. Otherwise, you and your audience will rapidly get sick of them. But like being given the keys to a sweet shop, you’ll need to exercise self-control. There’s an icon for everything and there are seemingly few situations where icons can’t be used. Icons to demonstrate that you’re a proud Linux user and would like the world to know about it.

powerpoint free icon

Icons to represent that you thumbs up something. Icons to represent that you heart something. They cling to every website you visit and they stare back at you from every app you scroll past on your smartphone.

powerpoint free icon

Read on to learn how to use and where to find free icons for PowerPoint presentations. They’ll enhance your message, bolster your branding and add loads of style points. Add a dash of flair to your next PowerPoint presentation by using icons.

Powerpoint free icon